
The Department of Professionally Oriented Disciplines trains applicants for higher education in the specialty 222 Medicine of the second (master's) level in the clinical disciplines provided by the educational and professional program, both compulsory and elective courses.

The educational process of the department is based on the principles of humanism, scientificity and practical orientation, which are realized by:

  • conducting classes by highly qualified experienced doctors who are doctors and candidates of medical sciences, professors and associate professors;
  • availability of an extensive clinical base in public, municipal and private health care facilities of various profiles;
  • use of innovative educational technologies and modern technical teaching aids;
  • construction of the educational process on the basis of evidence-based medicine, regular updating of educational and methodical materials in accordance with the latest achievements of medical science and technology;
  • development of future doctors' clinical thinking, gaining the ability not only to detect certain pathological changes in clinical, laboratory and instrumental examination of the patient, but also to determine the mechanisms of their development, to make informed choices of medical interventions and their proper implementation;
  • focus of training future doctors on the prevention and early diagnosis of diseases and their complications, timely use of appropriate medical interventions;
  • involvement of students in research work;
  • formation of future doctors' abilities and needs for further continuous professional development.

  • The department conducts research on clinical features and pathogenetic mechanisms of connective tissue and musculoskeletal diseases.

    Prospects for further development of the department are to increase subject-methodological groups in clinical disciplines and expand the network of clinical bases.